AI chatbots are rapidly transforming the search landscape. Just as the browser wars reshaped the web, the current battle between Google SGE, Microsoft Copilot/Bing Chat and Perplexity AI is poised to profoundly impact Google and Bing search visibility, traffic and conversions.

AI search result comparison

Google SGECopilot/Bing ChatPerplexity AI
Displays above traditional resultsDisplays on the side of traditional resultsOnly chatbot dialogue displayed
High search behavior impactModerate search behavior impactComplete shift in search behavior
High search traffic impactModerate search traffic impactExtreme search traffic impact
In BetaAvailable nowAvailable now

Why is optimizing for AI search results important?

Although overall search result impact is currently moderate, AI has the potential to significantly alter how search results are displayed.

  • Chatbots represent a new channel for discovery. Both Google SGE and Copilot/Bing Chat feature AI-generated responses directly within search results that contain links to external websites, presenting new ways for people to find your content.
  • Optimization for AI is essential. To ensure these chatbots surface your content, you’ll need to adapt your SEO strategies accordingly.

Who are the key AI search result players?

  • Google SGE (powered by Gemini) is in beta but offers a more radical experience, placing AI-generated responses above traditional results. Its potential impact is high to extreme.
  • Microsoft Copilot/Bing Chat (powered by ChatGPT) displays responses alongside traditional results on desktop, with a moderate impact on search behavior.
  • Perplexity AI (powered by ChatGPT and Bing) on the other hand only displays AI-generated results and does not display a list of standard search result listings.
  • Standalone chatbots like ChatGPT and Google Gemini (formerly Bard) also display links to external websites, but their overall impact on standard (Bing/Google) search traffic is currently low.

How do I optimize my website for AI search results?

While the exact mechanisms behind AI selection criteria are still under development, here are 4 areas of AI optimization to consider:

  • Content clarity and authority: Chatbots favor content from well-defined, reputable sources. Think EEAT for both people and companies.
  • Structured data: Leverage schema markup throughout your website to enhance content understanding. Mark up products, reviews, people, places and so much more.
  • Backlinks, citations and web references: Mentions from other websites, UGC, comments and reviews remain important.
  • Search intent: Align content with top-performing search types (informational, navigational, commercial, transactional). Focus on transactional searches, which are packed with high levels of intent and often elicit further research.

4 ways to start optimizing your content for AI


Should I use AI to create content?

Won’t Google penalize me? To be clear, Google does not penalize AI content. It penalizes low-quality content. It just so happens that a lot of low-quality content is AI-generated.

Here’s how to use AI to create meaningful, purposeful content with intent.

  1. Use AI to brainstorm by creating outlines and conducting research.
  2. Develop your prompts with original ideas and content.
  3. Have AI align your content with search intent and suggest relevant structured data to include.
  4. Generate ideas for page titles and meta descriptions.

ALWAYS refine your AI content, conduct fact-checking and make sure it is useful, helpful, original and satisfies aspects of EEAT.

AI SEO with Jtree SEO

We’re a boutique SEO company at the forefront of AI-driven search engine result optimization. And can help you adapt your strategies to reach your target audience through this dynamic channel.

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